Robert Cottingham: Artist Talk

17th July 2010, 5:45pm

In partnership with Newtownbarry House Studio Programme, Wexford Arts Centre, and Anya von Gosseln we are delighted to host a talk by American artist Robert Cottingham.

Robert Cottingham belongs to the first generation of American Photorealists, alongside Chuck Close, Richard Estes, Robert Bechtle and Ralph Goings. Born in 1935 in Brooklyn NY, Cottingham was educated at Pratt Institute, NY. He lives and works in Connecticut, USA. This public talk presents a rare opportunity to hear the artist speak about his work.

Cottinghams work is in major collections in the US and Europe, such as The Ludwig Museum in Cologne, The Metropolitan Museum and The Museum of Modern Art, both in NY, The Hirschorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, The High Museum, Atlanta GA, The Tampa Museum of Art in Florida, The Guggenheim Museum in NY, The Tate Gallery in London, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT, The Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh, PA, The Art Institute of Chicago, Ill, The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and the Arts Council of Great Britain, London, among others. In Spring of 2009, the Deutsche Guggenheim Museum in Berlin featured the artists in a long awaited group exhibition which drew large and enthusiastic crowds. The artist is represented by FORUM Gallery NY.

Contact Rosie O’Gorman (086) 210 9027 to RSVP your place at the talk.

Bus departing Wexford Arts Centre at 4:45pm.€8 per person. Contact Rosie to book a place on the bus.